Step 1- Desire

I have the desire to improve my musclar strength.

Step 2- Belief

I believe that I can improve my musclar strength, because it can be accomplished.

Step 3- Analyze Where You Are Now

I am very behind, because i have not been working out as much as I am suppose to.

Step 4- Set Realistic Goals

I want to be able to play professional basketball.

Step 5- Write Your Goals In Detail

I can compete in various workouts, that will help me to improve my skills, and also my cardiovascular endurance and musclar strength.

Step 6- List The Benefits You'll Recieve

By achieving my long-term goal of playing professional basketball, it will benefit me tremendously throughout my career.

Step 7- Identify Obstacles

I might endure a serious knee injury or any injury of any kind. I might not be able have a gym to workout in.

Step 8- Identify Knowledge You'll Need

I will need knowledge from coaches to help me improve my game.

Step 9- Make A Plan of Action

I will compete in Upper-Body and Lower Body workouts, such as, Bench Press, Curl-Ups, Squats etc

Step 10- Develop a Timeline

The first day I want to be able to bench press 125lbs, and each week I would like to increase the weight by 5lbs.

Step 11- Monitor Your Progress

At the end of each week, I will test myself by maxing 5 lbs more than the week before to see if I can achieve my goal.

Step 12- Never Give Up

My mother, brother, and cousin can help be determined by pushing to me do my best, and encourage me with words, that will help me achieve my goal.